
Breast cancer surgery is done to remove the cancerous tissues from breast which are responsible for cancer. This procedure is done with the aim of removing unwanted growth of tumor so that it will not spread throughout the breast. If we talk about breast surgery Texas then there are different types of breast surgeries for it. Your doctor can recommend the right surgery according to your cancer condition. There are various factors like size of the tumor, type of breast cancer, location of the tumor, etc. that need to be considered for deciding the type of surgery for the patient.

Surgeries for breast cancer

In most of the cases, surgeons will go for lumpectomy breast surgery Dallas which is used for removing cancerous tissues and the surrounding of normal tissues to restrict the growth of maligned tissues in the breast.

Partial mastectomy is another breast surgery Dallas which is used for removing larger part of the breast tissues keeping the normal tissues. On the other hand in mastectomy entire breast of the patient is removed to prevent the spreading of cancer to the lymph nodes. In many cases, lymph nodes are removed from the breast which is known as radial mastectomy.

The symptoms of breast cancer

  • Breast size and shape is changing

  • There is abnormal discharge from the nipples which is generally in green, yellow fluid or may appear like pus.

  • The patient feels sensation or change in appearance of nipple.

  • Pain in the breast which makes the patient uncomfortable

  • The color of the nipple skin is changing. Moreover, breast surface becomes red, scaly, dimpled or puckered.

  • In advanced case, patient will display the symptoms like bone pain, swelling in one arm, skin ulceration or weight loss.

Apart from it there are some other symptoms that most of the women are not aware of such as:-

  • Itching problem in breast

  • Patient will feel constantly warm or hot touch in the breast. This is very rare and dangerous symptom which is also known by the name of inflammatory breast cancer

  • In some cases patient experiences the inverted and flat nipple problem. Someone having inverted nipple since birth would not be a cancer symptom.

  • Skin around the breast gets dimpled or having an orange peel type appearance. It is good to consult with surgeon because some patient think it’s a cellulite

  • If someone notices constant tender breast, swelling or sudden change in breast size then it’s a sign of breast cancer.

If you find any of these symptoms, immediately consult a surgeon who can suggest you best breast surgery Texas for the treatments.

For more information on Breast Surgery Texas, Breast Surgery Dallas. Please visit: http://www.drpsurgery.com