
Breast cancer is a type of cancer which develops from breast cells. It usually starts in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules. The malignant tumor cells grow abnormally and effect different parts of the body including lymph vessels, lymph nodes, lymph fluid etc. If you notice lump or your breast change its shape and size, you should diagnose it and consult an expert who will diagnose your medical problem and provide you better solution.

Availing medical services in Dallas

Removing this malignant cancer, women can explore best hospitals or health care centres which are located in different locations of Dallas. These health care clinics offer various medical services to the patients like breast cancer surgery etc. The main aim of breast surgery is to remove the entire cancer or tumor from the breast and quite often it is followed by radiation therapy which helps to prevent local recurrence of the breast. This surgery is performed by highly experienced surgeons. The treatment of breast surgery Dallas is based on the type of cancer and its stage (0-4th).

Types of breast surgeries

There are different types of breast surgeries Dallas which are performed by the surgeon to remove cancer tissues from the breast, some of them are discussed below in brief.

  • Mastectomy

Mastectomy is used to remove the entire breast. There are different types of mastectomy - simple or total mastectomy, radical mastectomy, partial mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy and subcutaneous mastectomy.

  • Lumpectomy

Lumpectomy, also known as breast-conserving surgery or wide local excision is used to treat cancer and other abnormal cells.

Risk factors

  • Smoking tobacco

  • Consuming alcohol

  • Lack of physical exercise

  • Having a family history of breast cancer

  • Poor diet

  • Being overweight or obese

  • Combined hormone replacement therapy

Signs and symptoms

  • Lump in the breast and armpits

  • Bloody discharge from the nipple

  • Change in the shape and size of the breast

  • Breast pain and sore nipple

  • Redness and pitting of the skin over the breast

  • Inverted nipple

  • Orange-peel texture or dimpling of the breast’s skin

If any woman notices these kinds of signs and symptoms which are mentioned above in their body, they should consult with a surgeon at the earliest. This cancer is diagnosed by numerous tests which are recommended by the specialist such as:

Breast examination

Physician diagnoses both breasts of the patient to find lumps and other possible abnormalities like inverted nipples, discharge from the nipples, and change in the breast size and shape.

X-Ray (Mammogram)

This test is commonly used for breast cancer screening.


This test includes a sample of tissue which is surgically removed and forwarded to the lab for analysis.

For more information on Breast Surgery Dallas, breast surgeries Dallas. Please visit : http://www.drpsurgery.com/