
Hemorrhoids are also known as piles which are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. Rectum is the last part of the digestive system where stool is gathered until you release it. Anus is a ring of muscles, known as sphincter which opens when you release stool. Typically, hemorrhoid consists of enlarged veins and commonly occurs in the people aged 20 to 50 years.

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Kinds of hemorrhoids

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoid happens where there is excess pressure on the internal hemorrhoidal veins. They form under the skin and around the anus. Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids include itching and small amount of bright red blood appearing on the stool etc.

External hemorrhoids often happen as bulges or lumps around the anus. They are caused by increased pressure within the external hemorrhoids veins. They can be painful and discomforting. The main sign of external hemorrhoids is anal itching, pain and bleeding.

Signs and symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids are::

·         Pressure, pain or itching in and around the anus

·         Irritation

·         Discomfort

·         Inflammation

·         Fecal leakage

·         Blood on stool

·         A grape like lump on the anus

·         Painful bowel movements

·         Anal discharge or pain, especially when sitting

Possible causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are caused by extreme pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus. Below factors can cause hemorrhoids:

·         Aging

·         Genetic factors

·         Obesity

·         Chronic diarrhea or constipation

·         Poor diet or  eating low fiber food

·         Straining during bowel

·         Sitting for long period on the toilet

·         Family history of hemorrhoids

·         Inflammatory bowel diseases

·         Pregnancy and childbirth

·         Rectal cancer

·         Lifting weighted and heavy objects

Tests for hemorrhoids

Doctors recommend several tests to examine the symptoms of hemorrhoid disease and offer best hemorrhoids treatment in Dallas and Arlington at affordable prices. These include:

·         Medical history

·         Physical examination

·         Sigmoidoscopy

·         Colonoscopy

·         Barium enema x-ray

Treatment for hemorrhoids

Doctors suggest various options for hemorrhoids treatment in Arlington and Dallas as per the condition of the patient. These include:

·         Rubber band ligation – Doctor places a small rubber band around the hemorrhoid to cut off the circulation of blood

·         Infrared coagulation – The surgeon uses heat or infrared light to shrink the hemorrhoid tissue

·         Sclerotherapy or injection – Surgeon injects a chemical solution to shrink the blood vessel

·         Surgery – It is performed on large external hemorrhoids

Risks and complications after surgery

·         Pain

·         Urinary retention

·         Bleeding

·         Infection

·         Constipation

·         Anal skin tags

·         Recurrence

·         Anal stenosis

·         Fistula

·         Fecal incontinence

·         Rectal perforation

For further guidance on hemorrhoids treatment in Dallas and Arlington, consult DRP Surgery