
Breast surgery involves several surgeries such as reduction, augmentation and reconstructive. In this post, we will discuss about two kinds of breast surgeries – Reduction and reconstructive.

Breast reduction surgery in Texas

This kind of surgery is also known as reduction mammoplasty which is performed by the experienced surgeon through incisions on your breast to remove excess breast fat, sagging, glandular tissue, and change the size or shape of the breast. With the help of breast reduction surgery, you may improve breast symmetry and eradicate sagginess. If you want to reshape sagging breast, you may avail breast reduction surgery Texas clinic services at best rates.

When should you go for breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery helps to alleviate physical symptoms like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, shoulder grooves, feeling discomfort during exercising etc. Consider breast reduction surgery:

  • If the size of your breast is relatively too large to your body frame.

  • If you have sagging breast

  • If you are self-conscious about the large appearance of your breasts.

  • If you feel discomforts or difficulty fitting into bras and clothing.

  • If one portion of your breast is quite larger than another one.


This surgery includes some complications such as bleeding, loss of sensation in the nipples and surrounding skin, infection, differences in the symmetry of the breasts etc.

Reconstructive breast surgery

Women who have breast treatment may opt for reconstructive breast surgery to restore the abnormal structures and rebuild the shape and look of their breast. If you are thinking for reconstructive surgery, you need to consult with an expert and discus your concerns.

Reconstructive breast surgery can be performed at the same time after mastectomy or later. As per your type and stage of the cancer, your surgeon recommends you ideal surgery.

Types of breast reconstruction


It relies on the breast implants which help to form a new breast mound.


In this, surgeon uses the patient’s own tissue from another part of the body like abdomen, back, thighs etc. to form a new breast.

Benefits of reconstruction breast surgery

An immediate reconstruction provides the patient a new breast. This new breast is different to the one that was removed by the surgeon. This surgery includes several benefits which are mentioned below.

  • Makes your breast look balanced and well-shaped.

  • Helps to remove whole breast due to cancer or tumor.

  • Restores the symmetry of breasts

Who should have breast reconstructive surgery?

  • Those who had a radical mastectomy

  • Those with large and unbalanced breasts

  • Those who have been treated of radiotherapy

For more information on Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Breast Reduction Surgery Texas. Please visit : http://www.drpsurgery.com/