
Breast surgery is a kind of surgery performed by an expert surgeon in surgical clinic in Dallas to enhance the size, shape and uplift the breasts. Besides, breast surgery is also a common treatment for breast cancer. This kind of cancer commonly starts in the inner lining of the milk ducts or lobules. The cancerous cells grow abnormally in different parts of the breast such as lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph fluid.

If any woman notices lump on the breast or change in the size and shape of the breast, they should consult a doctor who is available at surgical clinic in Dallas.

Symptoms of breast cancer

  • Change in the size and shape of the breast

  • Breast pain and tenderness

  • Inverted nipple

  • Lump in the breast

  • Redness and thickening of the nipple or breast skin

  • Skin irritation or dimpling

  • Nipple discharge

  • Lump in the armpit

  • Change in the skin texture or enlargement of pores in the skin of the breast

Risk factors

  • Having a family history of breast cancer

  • Lack of physical exercise

  • Smoking tobacco

  • Consuming alcohol

  • Poor diet

  • Being overweight

  • Combined hormone replacement therapy

Types of breast cancer

Invasive breast cancer – It is the most common type of breast cancer which usually develops in the milk ducts or lobules in the breast. It does not grow into or invade normal tissues within or outside the breast.

Non-invasive breast cancer (carcinoma in situ) - This kind of malignant cells is found in the ducts of the breast. The cancerous cells don’t spread into the surrounding breast tissue. It is commonly detected during a mammogram and seldom shows as a breast lump.

Tests and diagnosis

The cancer is diagnosed through several tests, including

  • Breast examination

  • X-Ray (Mammogram)

  • Biopsy

  • Self-examination

  • Ultrasound

Breast surgery is used to eradicate cancer or tumor from the breast. Here, we will discuss about some kinds of breast surgery in brief.

Types of breast surgery

  • Mastectomy

It is used to remove the whole breast. There are different kinds of mastectomy performed by doctor, including simple or total mastectomy, partial mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, radical mastectomy and subcutaneous mastectomy.

  • Lumpectomy

It is also known as breast-conserving surgery and is used to remove cancer and other abnormal cells from the breast.

The treatment of breast surgery in Dallas depends on the type of cancer, its stage (0-4th), size of the cancer and location of the cancer etc. Get a specialist’s advice for breast surgery in Dallas.

For more information Surgical Clinic in Dallas, Breast Surgery Dallas. Please visit : http://www.drpsurgery.com/